12:39 PM


What is the deal with dresses that look like a skirt and shirt, but are attached? Is it really so difficult to find a shirt that looks ok with your skirt that by having it attached you are saved significant worry and outfit planning? Or is it just a huge time saver? "I don't have time to put on both a skirt and a top, but that is what I want to wear! A brilliant solution- a dress that looks like the two sewn together! This is going to save women all over the world at least three seconds a day!" Whatever. You all look stupid- fake skirt and shirt wearers.
11:51 AM

Long hair

All girls should have long hair. Short hair is gross on girls. Exhibit A: For reals Beyonce? What were you thinking? I think 99% of girls look better with long hair and I don't care what anyone else thinks. Plus long hair is versatile.

Now I know that some people have their reasons for having short hair. "It is so easy to do every day" or "It looks better with my face" or blah blah blah. Long hair is pretty. I don't care. Look how pretty Katie Holmes looked with extensions after having her nasty short hair for so long:

In conclusion, I hate short hair on girls. How long is it before it crosses that very fine line from short hair into old-lady hair? Not long. This is a short leap from a pixie cut people!
8:47 PM


TV Reality love shows. Seriously? What kind of hard core retard would you have to be to go on a reality dating show and think that it's gonna work out?

Also I love The Bachelor! That's great t.v. If you don't mind people being retarded, that is.