10:28 AM |
From Annie- Complaining Queen |
The following was a comment from Annie that I felt was appropriate to post:
I have something to add to the complaining blog. I hate the word fabulous!! I especially hate when people use it for everything they eat, buy, see etc. AND, I also hate VINTAGE and all the people here who think they are so cool and being different because they "shop vintage". BARF, BARF, BARF!!!

Agreed. Fabulous is a total gay-persons word and can only be used in situations where using gay- people words is appropriate. Like at a Gay Pride Parade, or after watching a musical. Any other time is kind of just weird.
And vintage? Seriously? Since when was buying gross, old, ugly clothes ok? Since never. That's when. Furthermore, I hate when people dress weird and then say it is because they need to express themselves. If they need to "express themselves" so badly that they dress like freaks then they should consider expressing themselves to a therapist and just dressing regular. Vintage is just the desperate-to-seem-cool-persons way to say that they shop at D.I.
I have something to add to the complaining blog. I hate the word fabulous!! I especially hate when people use it for everything they eat, buy, see etc. AND, I also hate VINTAGE and all the people here who think they are so cool and being different because they "shop vintage". BARF, BARF, BARF!!!
Agreed. Fabulous is a total gay-persons word and can only be used in situations where using gay- people words is appropriate. Like at a Gay Pride Parade, or after watching a musical. Any other time is kind of just weird.
And vintage? Seriously? Since when was buying gross, old, ugly clothes ok? Since never. That's when. Furthermore, I hate when people dress weird and then say it is because they need to express themselves. If they need to "express themselves" so badly that they dress like freaks then they should consider expressing themselves to a therapist and just dressing regular. Vintage is just the desperate-to-seem-cool-persons way to say that they shop at D.I.
Thanks for your FABULOUS comments Annie!
Nothing's wrong with vintage-inspired though! There are some styles that are just too cute to stay in one decade.
LOL!! I appreciate the post Melo. I feel much better about life! ha ha!
(ps to Pam, yes some things that come back are definately cute. But you know what type I'm talking about!)
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