1:09 PM |
Best Family Photo Ever |
10:16 AM |
Gross |
There are some terms of endearment that make me absolutely disgusted. I probably shouldn't hate them so bad because I know people are just expressing their feelings or some crap, but oh my gosh, could they use a less revolting term? Please? I'm ok with like pookie bear, or snuggle jugs or sweet heart dream boat cake or anything like that. But today I saw on some one's blog a picture of them that they had titled "Me and my lover". Ugh! Gross!!! The readers of this blog do not need to know that information. They have kids so it's pretty obvious, but I don't want them to draw my attention to the fact that they are like that. 'My lover', and 'making love' are the most disgusting possible things in the world. It reminds me of that SNL skit with Will Ferrill and that funny girl at the Welshly Arms and that is all I can think of when some one uses those terms.
Why would you call it making love? You can't make love, it's not a cake or something. People should use the proper euphamisms like the rest of us! Doinking, woopie, bed party, these and hundreds of others are appropriate names for those sorts of acts, and won't remind me that strawberries are being used inappropriately when they are said.
Besides that, how is calling some one "my lover" even socially appropriate? It is basically the same as calling someone 'my person I have sex with', except for that it is grosser. Calling some one 'my love' is ok though because love in that sense is an emotion and not an action. But 'lover' is just nasty. I wish there was some kind of manual that was published letting people know these things so I wouldn't have to think of their smoked meats in the hot tub when I accidentaly read "my lover" on their blog.
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2:29 PM |
This Is Getting Ridiculous |

As the recent recipient of my own brand-new, beautiful, precious baby girl I have been thrust into the world of bows, headbands, and all manner of baby accessories. While I do find it a necessity to adorn your baby girl in as feminine attire as possible (so as to avoid the dreaded "What an adorable little boy!") I think that there is a point when you have passed the point of making your little girl look cute and you are just making her look ridiculous. For example, if your baby cannot hold her head up because of the gigantor flower you attached to her crotched headband, you might want to consider if you are over-accsesorizing. The only time this is okay is if your baby is born with a serious case of man-face and you want to draw attention away from that. But, the baby in this picture (not my baby) looks totally cute. Why would her mother do this to her? And then try to make a business out of it by selling it on the internet? Bows this big make me think we might be seeing this little baby in 'Toddlers and Tiaras' in a couple of years. To all the mothers out there: proper accsesorizing begins at a young age. I love the headband-flower thing. In moderation. Let people look at your adorable baby girl, not her obnoxious headband.
Posted in | 3 Comments »
7:52 AM |
Racism |
Have you heard about this story? In situations like these I like to imagine what would happen if the races of the parties involved were switched. And you know what would have happened if that had been the case? Nothing. Not a damn thing, because white people aren't allowed to be paranoid about people mocking or judging their race, despite the fact that it is the only acceptable race to mock.
Other races are allowed to mock white people in every conceivable setting and it isn't considered inappropriate or racist. But blacks and Hispanics are allowed to pull out the race card because the pool they wanted to swim at figured out that it didn't have enough room to accommodate them safely*. And then they get to have a free trip to Disney World because they made a big deal out of it.
We have a black president who was raised in poverty by a single mother. Shouldn't this be some sort of evidence to people that race can no longer hold them back and therefore they don't need to be racist themselves? Apparently not. I think that secretly some people don't want racism to become a non-issue because they are enjoying the benefits of it too much.
Additional Thoughts: Now there is this story. Seriously? How is it ok for him to make such a huge deal about his neighbor just trying to keep their neighborhood safe? If you saw someone breaking into your house wouldn't you want them to call the police? He wouldn't show identification to the officer who came, and then was arrested for disorderly conduct. That happened like last summer to an old lady in Orem. This isn't a race thing- it's a case of him being so belligerent that he deserved to be arrested, but he pulled the race card and now the police are getting called 'stupid' by the president. I hope someone does break into that guys house and I also hope he kisses my butt for being such a jerk.
*Also apparently some kids made fun of them while they were there. I've got news- kids make fun of each other. One time I took Ben and Jonah to the park across the street from my house and they were playing with some Hispanic kids and when they got outnumbered by quite a few Ben started to yell "I'm surrounded by Spanish!" and then Jonah started to chime in too. So now are Ben and Jonah racist? Should they have to make some kind of big show about how horrible it was to say that and that they are so sorry and then those other kids get to go to free 7 Peaks because of it? Or perhaps were they just little kids playing?
Other races are allowed to mock white people in every conceivable setting and it isn't considered inappropriate or racist. But blacks and Hispanics are allowed to pull out the race card because the pool they wanted to swim at figured out that it didn't have enough room to accommodate them safely*. And then they get to have a free trip to Disney World because they made a big deal out of it.
We have a black president who was raised in poverty by a single mother. Shouldn't this be some sort of evidence to people that race can no longer hold them back and therefore they don't need to be racist themselves? Apparently not. I think that secretly some people don't want racism to become a non-issue because they are enjoying the benefits of it too much.
Additional Thoughts: Now there is this story. Seriously? How is it ok for him to make such a huge deal about his neighbor just trying to keep their neighborhood safe? If you saw someone breaking into your house wouldn't you want them to call the police? He wouldn't show identification to the officer who came, and then was arrested for disorderly conduct. That happened like last summer to an old lady in Orem. This isn't a race thing- it's a case of him being so belligerent that he deserved to be arrested, but he pulled the race card and now the police are getting called 'stupid' by the president. I hope someone does break into that guys house and I also hope he kisses my butt for being such a jerk.
*Also apparently some kids made fun of them while they were there. I've got news- kids make fun of each other. One time I took Ben and Jonah to the park across the street from my house and they were playing with some Hispanic kids and when they got outnumbered by quite a few Ben started to yell "I'm surrounded by Spanish!" and then Jonah started to chime in too. So now are Ben and Jonah racist? Should they have to make some kind of big show about how horrible it was to say that and that they are so sorry and then those other kids get to go to free 7 Peaks because of it? Or perhaps were they just little kids playing?
Posted in | 0 Comments »
12:10 PM |
A Letter |
Dear Everyone Who Is Still Boobing About Michael Jackson's Death,
I know that you are really sad (both emotionally and pathetic-ness-wise)about the passing of Michael J. I know that you think you had some sort of personal relationship with him because you liked his music. I know that you are checking the news to see what kind of tragic overdose or whatever he died from, and consequently you believe that you really care about his life.
I have news. You didn't actually know this person and he certainly didn't know you and if he had known you he wouldn't have been impressed with your childish fawning over his fame. Furthermore, being obsessed with the way in which he died is morbid and freaky and degrading to you both.
Stop discussing it on your blogs, your facebook, your online forums, and stop watching it on the news. When someone dies you are allowed to feel upset, but your level of grief must somewhat match your level of intimacy with that person. Having seen a video of that person on MTV when you were 6 is not adequate cause for wailing and gnashing of teeth at their passing.
If you really care about Michael Jackson or anyone else dying the best way to mourn them is in a dignified way. Not by posting about a stranger on your blog or reading all the gory details of their death online. Stop being a bunch of freaking weirdos! The rest of the world who is not obsessing over strangers would really appreciate it. You are grossing us out.
Kind Regards,
Melodie Anne
P.S. I beg all members of the media to desist their rumor-mongering about Michael Jackson and start reporting actual news. News, did you know they can grow sperm out of stem cells now? Probably not, because you were too busy focusing on a pedophiliac dead pop singer.
I know that you are really sad (both emotionally and pathetic-ness-wise)about the passing of Michael J. I know that you think you had some sort of personal relationship with him because you liked his music. I know that you are checking the news to see what kind of tragic overdose or whatever he died from, and consequently you believe that you really care about his life.
I have news. You didn't actually know this person and he certainly didn't know you and if he had known you he wouldn't have been impressed with your childish fawning over his fame. Furthermore, being obsessed with the way in which he died is morbid and freaky and degrading to you both.
Stop discussing it on your blogs, your facebook, your online forums, and stop watching it on the news. When someone dies you are allowed to feel upset, but your level of grief must somewhat match your level of intimacy with that person. Having seen a video of that person on MTV when you were 6 is not adequate cause for wailing and gnashing of teeth at their passing.
If you really care about Michael Jackson or anyone else dying the best way to mourn them is in a dignified way. Not by posting about a stranger on your blog or reading all the gory details of their death online. Stop being a bunch of freaking weirdos! The rest of the world who is not obsessing over strangers would really appreciate it. You are grossing us out.
Kind Regards,
Melodie Anne
P.S. I beg all members of the media to desist their rumor-mongering about Michael Jackson and start reporting actual news. News, did you know they can grow sperm out of stem cells now? Probably not, because you were too busy focusing on a pedophiliac dead pop singer.
Posted in | 1 Comments »
8:38 AM |
Private?? |
Why does everyone want to have private blogs? What exactly are they trying to keep private? The pictures of their kid with food on its face? Them in a bathing suit? Their trip to Lava Hot Springs? If it is so "private" don't blog about it!
Whatever. I'm just mad because it makes my blog-stalking more difficult.
Whatever. I'm just mad because it makes my blog-stalking more difficult.
Posted in | 5 Comments »