2:29 PM |
This Is Getting Ridiculous |

As the recent recipient of my own brand-new, beautiful, precious baby girl I have been thrust into the world of bows, headbands, and all manner of baby accessories. While I do find it a necessity to adorn your baby girl in as feminine attire as possible (so as to avoid the dreaded "What an adorable little boy!") I think that there is a point when you have passed the point of making your little girl look cute and you are just making her look ridiculous. For example, if your baby cannot hold her head up because of the gigantor flower you attached to her crotched headband, you might want to consider if you are over-accsesorizing. The only time this is okay is if your baby is born with a serious case of man-face and you want to draw attention away from that. But, the baby in this picture (not my baby) looks totally cute. Why would her mother do this to her? And then try to make a business out of it by selling it on the internet? Bows this big make me think we might be seeing this little baby in 'Toddlers and Tiaras' in a couple of years. To all the mothers out there: proper accsesorizing begins at a young age. I love the headband-flower thing. In moderation. Let people look at your adorable baby girl, not her obnoxious headband.
Thank you!!! Seriously, there is absolutely nothing cute about giant bows and flowers, it is ridiculous. Besides it can't be comfortable for a poor, little baby to have one of those on their head.
On that note, can we stop with the "beanie on the head, with a giant flower, 20 beaded necklaces, leg warmers, and a tutu" pictures? First of all why would you wear a beanie with a tutu? Second, leg warmers shouldn't be worn by any age unless it is for the sole purpose of warming your babies legs. Thirdly, why does everyone in Utah have to do the same thing?
HA ha! I though you were joking about that picture but the flower really IS the same size as her head! She's gonna grow big neck muscles on the one side and then be all Quasimodo looking. Is that really what you would want for your child? That seriously looks ridiculous. And i agree with Annie- tutu and beanie? How does that even make sense?
You should have seen the website I found this on. ALL the flowers were at least head sized. It was so gross.
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