3:19 PM |
Craft Talk |
I've made some stuff lately. I suppose you could call it "crafting". But that word always seems so gross to me because it reminds me of all the lame women who do crafts to make up for their inadequacies as mothers/women, or because they are bored and ugly, or whatever stupid reason. Not for fun reasons like I make stuff. Things like denim bibs, painted wooden cats, and this monstrosity give crafts such a bad name:
Apparently the above woman crafted that thing out of a k-mart t shirt. She calls it "Anthropologie inspired". I'm pretty sure the fine people of Anthro would barf non-stop until they were dead if they ever thought that their clothes inspired that piece of crap. But more importantly, how am I supposed to be ok with the hopefully non-death inducing things that I have made when people are running around crafting atrocities like that?! Ew! Another example follows of crafts making me need to clean my eye sockets with bleach:
Can we pass some sort of a law that crafts and sewing can only be used for good and not evil?
I was seriously going to write about this very same issue. The horrible monstrosities people make in the name of crafting. The whole mom's ignoring their kids so they can do their "crafts" thing. It really does bug me so much when I see the blogs of people with little kids who have to write about their daily craft. When are they being a mom? Here's a craft idea: HANG OUT WITH YOUR KIDS!!! Unless you don't have any. Then just make sure your crafts are tasteful. And just because it is "Americana" does not make it patriotic. In fact Lady Liberty weeps when she sees Americana inspired crafts.
I heart tasteful crafting, although I also shudder at that term for it. Most crafting is far less than tasteful, however. In fact, most of it sucks. Just because you CAN turn some trash from the Goodwill into a nasty looking decoration for Martin Luther King Jr Day doesn't mean you should. And where are people storing this crap?
After rereading my comments I feel I misrepresented what I was trying to say. I have nothing wrong with moms crafting. As long as they are not ONLY crafting. And the most important rule of all crafting should be, as Tim Gunn says, Quality, Style, and Taste.
Tim Gunn is on my dream best friend team.
I know, right? I just read his book: Tim Gunn's Guide to Style. It changed my life.
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