1:25 PM

You really want people to know you do that?

Sometimes I feel bad that I don't post on my actual blog more frequently. But then I blog-stalk other people and see the posts with pictures of the blogger and her girlfriends going toWal-Mart and trying on the ugly hats (or whatever other stupid, weird thing. The Wal-Mart hats are just an example). Then I think: "A: I am so glad that none of my friends want to do that and B: I am so glad that I don't have pictures of myself and my friends on the internet trying on the ugly Wal-Mart hats (or whatever other stupid, weird thing)".

I mean, what one person considers bloggable is obviously up to them and everyone will have different standards, but seriously, shouldn't what you share on your blog NOT be the thing you do on a Tuesday night when your husbands are all at ward basketball and there is nothing on tv and your already ate and you don't have an early job the next day and the house is clean and you don't have kids and you have nothing else in the world to possibly do except for go to Wal-Mart and make fun of the ugly stuff? Wouldn't you want to post about something that was like, an event? I guess the answer is no for some people.

This means sad things for me because if I haven't posted anything on my blog in while it is because I really haven't done anything fun and bloggable in a while, and am consequently totally boring. At least I don't blog about it. I would rather be a seldom posting blogger than post about the bruise I got from (fill in the blank) that looks like (fill in the blank).

This of course doesn't mean I won't read those types of blogs. I will just make fun of them in my head while I read them, like usual.
10:57 AM

This Is Wierd

My husband doesn't like it when I wear like, eyeliner and stuff. Sometimes I don't want to have casual face on- I want to have fancy face on. But then he's like "Well look at you all..... eye make-upy and stuff! That's....... different."

Either he thinks I'm so pretty that I only need the teensiest of make up, or he thinks I'm so ugly that make up only accentuates the horrors. It's hard to know.
5:10 PM

Like A Car Wreck that Never Ends,

I Just Can't Seem to Look Away: Twilight

I hate Twilight. But I still went to see the movie today. Why? I don't know. I knew it would suck and I would make fun of it my head and sometimes out loud the whole way through. But I just couldn't help myself! It really is like a car wreck you guys.

I liked the books kind of. I thought they were entertaining-ish and easy reads and clean. They were not literary art or great writing or wonderful stories or any of the other things that make an ok story into a great book, but they were nice. But the movies are soooooo terrible! The acting! The scenery! The acting! The script! THE ACTING! It is all so bad that it makes my eyes water like when you eat something super sour and have to sneeze at the same time.

I think I could get past all those horrible things (except for maybe the acting) if it were not for the one truly horrible atrocity of the Twilight Saga: The hair and make up.

Aaaaggghh! How is it even possible to make normal human beings look that ridiculous?! In all 3 movies it seriously looks like a heavy handed 5th grader did the hair and make up. It is so bad. In the books the vampires were supposed to be all glam. In the movies the men look like trannies on their day off, but that they didn't wash off their tranny make up and the girls look like Stacy B. from high school (she wore pretty much the most makeup I have ever heard of. She was real nice and very pretty, but I swear it looked like she applied with a trowel). Or possibly the type of porn-stars that try to look classy. Gross. Also the hair is disgusting. I can't even stand to think about it- it just makes me mad.

I'm going to ask my make up artist friend if she cries when she watches twilight, or just barfs. Me? Barf. I hope I can restrain myself from watching the final horrifying installment, but considering Twilight's "so horrifying you can't look away" effect on me I am probably going to end up seeing it, and then you'll see another complaining blog post about this type of self-inflicted torture. The End.