9:33 PM

Most Important Opinion

A popular song was played during a break at a football game I attended today. A gentleman I know turned to another and said "Are noises set to a beat technically considered music now?" in a snarky sort of voice. Um... yes. I'm pretty sure that is the exact definition of music. 

P.S. Also he listens to Irish punk music, so I'm pretty sure he's not the greatest judge of what music is, let alone good music. 
8:13 PM

Happy Birthday

If you do the harmony parts when singing group "Happy Birthday" then you are annoying. I don't care how pretty you think your voice is. You. Are. Annoying. Also, the song does not sound any better with your "Happy Birthday, Starring ME!!!" version than it does in the regular version. Just more annoying. No one needs you to spoil their birthday like that.
9:08 PM

Kids are Lazy

Since when did everyone's kids get so lazy? How come every kid is like "I don't do chores. That's for peasants."? Or sometimes they say "I didn't get enough sleep last night so I don't have to do anything today". When did this happen? Because last I remember you still have to do stuff even if you stay up too late watching Blue's Clues, or whatever they watch. Plus you have to clean up the crumbs that you spill all over when you throw your goldfish crackers at the other kids. How did these basics of humanity stop happening? Beats me.

What I do know is that if you are one of those parents who doesn't make your kid do chores and clean up after themselves you are raising a butthead. Sorry. True. Every single time. You might think "I never had to do chores growing up and I'm not a butthead!" Wrong. You are. So are any and all children out there who aren't forced into servitude like all us normal folk (a.k.a. peasants).