11:17 AM


I know I'm a teensy bit racist. And I don't even care, because I just read an article about how angry people were at a fabric designer who draws images of her own childhood on her fabrics for not including more people of color. Um... if she didn't have any people of color present during her childhood then why would she depict them in drawings of her childhood? And who the hell cares?! Why would anyone care what she puts on her fabric? If (fill in race here) don't like it because it doesn't have (whatever race) people on it then they shouldn't buy it! It's totally racist of them to expect her to alter her art to suit their race!

Jeez. I swear it's like if we don't all act super guilty for being white then we're doing it wrong. Well guess what? Now I'm offended that there aren't any white people on my Chili's menu! And I'm offended that the Wal-Mart commercials don't have any white people in them! (Ha ha... probably cause the Wal-Mart doesn't have any white people in it. They all shop at Target.) Why isn't my race being represented in a positive way?!?! See how stupid it sounds?

The thing is, if people of other races want to see themselves represented on fabric, or whatever, then make it happen! It's not up to the fabric designer to make sure that whoever's niece looks like the girl in her fabric. I hope her next fabric is of a giant white butt mooning everyone. Take that racists!
4:13 PM


Every single thing about air travel. Every. Single. Thing.
3:46 PM

Two things

1. Why does faxing still exist? Why is it even happening anymore? Is there a single thing on this planet that wouldn't be better off if it was emailed instead of faxed? No there is not. Faxing is retarded.

2. Old people being rude on the phone. Why? Yelling "I WANT TO TALK TO THE PERSON IN CHARGE!!!!" is not going to make any situation better. So what the heck, oldies?
6:26 PM

Watch out- Actual Complaint Coming Up

Today when I was going into the DSW there was a dad next door with his little girl and he was screaming at her. Out on the sidewalk in front of everyone full on screaming in her face. He was even using the F word. Apparently she had asked for a toy or something in the store that they were at (a kids store, go figure that she would ask for a toy there). Everyone was totally watching them and talking about how horrible that guy was. But no one stopped him, I can't judge them because I didn't either. But he was huge and obviously angry. What could anyone have done except make him angrier? Now I feel bad that I didn't do anything. Should I have tried to talk to him? Call the police? I feel so bad for that little girl. I wasn't even able to enjoy my shoe shopping because of him. I seriously hope that guy gets genital crabs. And I don't mean the STD kind. I mean actual crabs on his genitals. The kind that have big pincher's.
11:25 AM

Strong Feelings

I hate, I Hate, I HATE  any and all advertisements that get in the way of what I am trying to look at on the computer. Like when you are looking at a website and the little box pops up asking you to take a friggin survey. NO! I will not take your lame survey, Home Shopping Network! Let me shop in peace! Or when you click on a news story but you end up going to the Febreeze site because right as you click on the news the Febreeze pops up and covers the whole page with its advertisement video about a cat!! I HATE IT SO MUCH!!! When are people going to stop being so stupid that this kind of "punch you in the eyeballs" advertising works on them?! Companies wouldn't do it if it wasn't working. I make a concious effort to not buy products with annoying advertisements. Also I am going to start saving Obie and Fifi's twosies and send them in the mail to all the companies that are too annoying. That means you, Geiko!