5:26 PM

Fine Motor Skills?

What happened to kids knowing how to tie their own shoes? Did that go out of style or something?
11:36 AM

Truth In Advertising

Since I live in the middle of an Arctic Tundra I decided it was necessary for me to have a puff coat- as much as I loathe the idea. Seriously, who wants to look like a marshmallow when they go out? The alternative, however, was to absolutely never leave the house from September to May. Which I tried, unfortunately, we have to eat and kids have to go to school. Ug. After much soul searching and internet scouring I find a tolerable coat- not too poofy, not too expensive ($100ish), and it was in a lovely deep brownish-red. The website described the color as Beet-Root. Doesn't it fill your mind with images of things in nice, deep, earthy-tones? That's how it looked in the picture. So I ordered it and eagerly awaited my new lovely colored puff coat. Imagine my horror and disgust when I opened my package and got out a coat that only could be described as Berry Fuchsia. A marshmallow coat in Magenta. I was so mad! Now I have to load my kids up to take them to the mall- in the winter, with no coat on (I'm not wearing that monstrosity!). And taking my kids to the mall is seriously like trying to herd cats. I love them dearly- however, they aren't good mall-goers (my children. I don't know if cats are good mall-goers or not, having never taken them). What I'm so mad about, though is, why couldn't they have had the real color of the coat online? I know monitors affect how colors show up but I know my computers' colors aren't that messed up. I really feel like I've been duped into having a Berry Fuchsia puffy coat. And I'm very upset about it.
10:49 AM

Little Buttheads

Kids are bad. Maybe not yours, but most. They are this way by nature, and need no help in becoming more unruly or buttheady. So when I see little kids dressed in shirts that confirm and accentuate their buttheadyness it pisses me right off. Why would someone dress their kid in a shirt that says "School Sucks!" or "I'm Spoiled" or whatever other stupid, mean thing? I don't get it. Don't you want people to think your kid is nice? Don't you want your kid to be respectful? So why the crude shirts? I hate them- both the shirts and the parents who put their children in them. And nose-pickers. Gotta hate nose-pickers.