10:48 AM

Your blog songs suck

People's blog music is retarded. Must it all be the most annoying song ever? Also does it have to blast out at a million decibals when you are least expecting it to turn on? Apparently yes, it does.

Dear Everyone- if you are over 11 years old you should not like listening to Natasha Bedingfield, and should not subject the rest of us to it either. It is gross! Also you should not have the same five songs on your blog as every single one of your lame friends does. Do you honestly all only like those same five songs? I really doubt it because they all suck and so do you. Listen to a grown up music if you are a grown up. I know that you think you are cool if you still listen to what the high school kids are listening to but I have bad news for you- high school music blows. There is a reason no one else in the world wants to listen to that stuff. It blows. Can you really imagine a cool adult having listened to Mmmm-bop? Even if it was cool when you were in high school doesn't mean it was cool to the rest of the world, and such is the case with all the crappy music that I have to listen to when I go to your blog. I am only there to make fun of you anyway, so I guess I shouldn't complain, but I should only have my sense of sight, intelligence and propriety insulted when doing that. Not my delicate ears too. Get with the program and choose some music that you didn't yoink from you little sister's mini-ipod while she was gone babysitting. Also, if that music is on someone else's blog that you visit regularly don't be a copy cat. Choose something of your very own. You wouldn't buy the same clothes as your friend- don't have the same blog music. It's just manners. It is also manners to choose things that are not going to start out blastingly loud and unexpectedly. Also good manners- posting pictures of yourself so I can see if you have gotten fat. Thanks for your cooperation.



Toby and Emily said... @ December 17, 2008 at 12:54 PM

I HATE it when people put music on their blogs! I don't really care what music they like to listen to. And when I'm blog stalking at work, it give me away to my boss when some random song blares out of my office.