2:48 PM

Phancy Wurdz

I loathe when businesses change letters in words to make the name of the business "cuter". Like Beach Bumz. Why not just use an 's' like regular? Also I hate when people do that with names like instead of Wendy they have to turn it into Whyndi. Lame!


Annie said... @ August 19, 2009 at 6:04 PM

Can you complain about fedoras?

Toby and Emily said... @ September 25, 2009 at 9:55 PM

You need to post an email address on the site for those of us who can't complain on our own blogs. We could submit anonymously to yours. Because seriously, I have some raging irritations I could get off my chest (not like the sexually transmitted kind or anything) Really, where do I write?