1:20 PM

Not Specifically a Complaint

Here is a list of things I wish for:

1. That I never, ever, ever had to pump my own gas. It is my least favorite job.
2. I have a lot of feelings about the stupid crap people do! Why can't I tell them how stupid/annoying they are being and just have it taken as the fact that it is instead of some huge deal? Of course, ideally people would just not be stupid in the first place.
3. That all indoor spaces were kept at 76*. All the time. The only exceptions are steam rooms.
4. A pogo stick.
5. No tomatoes would ever touch my food in any way. Except for lasagna and still it should be mostly cheese.
6. It was ok to laugh at ugly babies. Sometimes they just look like old men. Why do I still have to call them cute? It's not cute. It's hilarious. But I can't laugh at them. It's not like the baby will care!
7. That Obie didn't hide under the bed. What is he doing under there?
8. More unicorns.
9. To never have to listen to a discussion about politics again.
10. A zillion dollars.
11. The perfect sofa. I finally find one I love only to discover that the cushions aren't removable. How can you have a sofa if you can't clean under the cushions?! That's disgusting. But it's so pretty...
12. To not have to look at pictures of tragic 3rd world country children on internet advertisements. That is not helping me want to donate money. It's just making me sad and grossed out.
13. EVERYONE would wear deoderant.
14. More people got what they deserved.
15. Pedicare stores stayed open later.
16. Malls stayed open later.
17. All rolling back-packs would explode.
18. My nails grew at the same rate on each finger.
19. "Business Shorts" were not a thing.
20. To be able to select the memories I wanted to remember. Like, grandparents- yes remember. My mom's friend Esther and her kids and how they smelled- not remember.

End of list.


Josh and Megan said... @ July 7, 2011 at 9:55 PM

you make me laugh, wait...I take that back you make JOSH and I LAUGH!!!! I just read this list to Josh and him and I are about ready to pee our pants....

I probably already did!!!


A Real Winner said... @ July 18, 2011 at 5:24 PM

1. More unicorns
2. Laughing at ugly babies
3. Rolling back-packs exploding
4. Esther's kids stinking