12:18 PM

Enough Already

Since when did chalk get so trendy? Everywhere I look there is some new way to incorporate chalk into your life. There is furniture painted with chalk paint, tutorials on how to make your own chalk paint, and no home with children in it is complete without one wall completely dedicated to a humongous chalkboard. Well, I've got news. I hate chalk. So much. I once taught a class that had a chalkboard in it and I would bring in a whiteboard from home so I wouldn't have to touch it. When that got too cumbersome I would just put on gloves whenever I needed to write on the chalkboard. I hate how gritty chalk feels. And the sound it makes when you write with it....so gross. So does that make me a bad mom because I don't have a wall sized chalkboard for my kids and because I won't write with sidewalk chalk with them? Probably.


pambelina said... @ September 30, 2011 at 2:08 PM

I didn't realize how much I hated chalk until this week when Dutch was writing on the sidewalk with chalk. Yee-ow! It made my skin crawl!

Melodie Anne said... @ October 3, 2011 at 9:00 PM

I sadly agree. This makes classroom life difficult. However, I've taken to laminating white poster boards with lines drawn across it and writing on it instead of the chalkboard because seriously, it is too gross and old schooly!