12:00 AM

Celebrity Weight Problems

There is no proper weight for a celebrity to be. Everyone makes a big deal that they are anorexic if they are too skinny, but if they show even an ounce of womanly figure they are 'pregnant'. Then if they get kind of fatty they have to do a special in People Magazine about their weight problems, the the celebrity hires a personal trainer and loses a million pounds in a week and then there is another People Magazine special about how they lost all the weight. This is the most retarded thing to occupy one's mind and the fact that I even know about it frosts my cake. Personally I think it's healthier to err on the side of too skinny. It's easy for me to say that because I'm fat, so I don't have to worry about the health problems that come from being too thin. However, I would really prefer for people to just be mocked no matter what their weight is.