4:48 PM

Procreation and Nosy Fools

No, this is not a blog post about the actual act of procreation, though I know some of you were hoping for it (get your mind out of the gutter). This is a blog post about why don't people mind their own damn business? Here are some questions to never ask someone:

Why don't you have kids?
When are you going to have kids?
Are you trying to have kids?
When will you get pregnant?

Also don't say:
My kids are so annoying.
You should be grateful you don't have kids.
You should have kids so we can hang out.

If someone does not have kids it is none of your business why. Unless you are besties. Then you can ask.

The act of concieving, bearing, and raising children is so personal. If you are not absolute besties with someone you can't be asking questions like that! Too personal! If, in conversation, one party does not volunteer information on a personal issue (like bearing children) the other party ought not ask about it. That's manners. Also it is a good idea to think how your questions and comments might make the other party feel. Most of all it is a good idea to not be a dumbass, but apparently some people can't manage that.


pambelina said... @ June 25, 2010 at 8:05 PM

My comeback was always: I don't feel comfortable discussing my sex life with you.

Worst thing anyone ever said to me (a complete stranger at church): So you can't have kids, right? That's why you don't have any?

Toby and Emily said... @ July 19, 2010 at 2:04 PM

So, are you trying to get pregnant? ;)

Unknown said... @ September 27, 2010 at 2:55 PM

how come i didn't know about this blog. i love it and amen on the post.